As part of the Skilled Nursing Facility Learning Collaborative, UHF developed a digital resource library to help SNFs as they worked on improving their processes. They were initially shared via a private site and are now freely available here on UHF's public site. These resources are a key part of the SNF Learning Collaborative toolkit; see the Heading Home report for context and additional description.

Disease-Specific Information

Zone Tool Translations

Note: Health Services Advisory Group (HSAG) developed and published a set of downloadable resources called Zone Tools, intended to help patients manage various health conditions. The full set of resources (in English and Spanish, with some in Armenian as well) may be found on the HSAG website:

With HSAG’s permission, UHF commissioned translations of some of these tools (for chronic pulmonary obstructive disease, diabetes, heart disease, heart failure, kidney health, and stroke) into Albanian, Italian, Russian, and Chinese, as listed below.