Medicaid Enrollment by Eligibility Group

The graph below shows total Medicaid enrollment broken down by eligibility category.1 Adults and children without disabilities make up the largest share of Medicaid enrollment, representing nearly four out of five Medicaid enrollees. This includes adults with incomes 100-138% of the federal poverty level (FPL), who became newly eligible under New York's ACA Medicaid expansion in January 2014, pregnant women, and others.

Monthly New York Medicaid Enrollment by Age and Eligibility Group, January 2011-Present

Percent Enrollment by Eligibility Group by Month

This graph shows total Medicaid enrollment broken down by eligibility category within a single month.The most recent month of available data is displayed. The table below the graph shows the same information in numerals.

Breakdown of New York Medicaid Enrollment by Eligibility Group

Enrollment Growth Since 2020

This graph shows percentage change in enrollment relative to enrollment in January 2020. During COVID-19 public health emergency, January 31, 2020 – May 1, 2023, many children moved from CHP to Medicaid, increasing Medicaid enrollment, and many adults enrolled in Medicaid as they lost other forms of health insurance. A downward slope in the enrollment indicates a decrease in the rate of enrollment growth. If the percentage change is less than 100%, then that group's total enrollment is less than it was in January 2020. Enrollment in Medicaid across all eligibility groups increased every month since January 2020, while CHP enrollment decreased.2

Monthly Percentage Change in Enrollment by Medicaid and CHP Eligibility Group Compared to January 2020 Enrollment

Footnotes and Sources

Last updated 9/18/23