Children’s Enrollment in Medicaid and Child Health Plus

This graph displays month-to-month changes in enrollment for children in Medicaid and Child Health Pluc (CHP). Policy changes impacting children’s enrollment are evident. For example, in November 2011, children ages 6-18 with family incomes between 100-138% federal poverty level (FPL) were moved from CHP to Medicaid, which resulted in a decrease in CHP enrollment but an overall increase in enrollment across the two programs.1 Similarly, during COVID-19 public health emergency, January 31, 2020–May 11, 2023, many children moved from CHP to Medicaid, increasing Medicaid enrollment and total child enrollment in public insurance to the highest total in New York history.

Monthly New York Children's Enrollment in Medicaid and CHP, 2011-Present

Footnotes and Sources

Last updated 6/28/2023