Project Commitment

Over the course of the 10-month project, participants will undertake the following activities:

  1. Team Engagement: Identify a clinician and staff member to participate in the project and monthly meetings
  2. Data Submission: Provide demographic and patient population data before the first meeting
  3. Strategy Development: Complete a SMARTIE worksheet outlining your literacy strategy
  4. Targeted Guidance: Meet one-on-one with UHF staff and/or program mentors to discuss project development and implementation
  5. Cohort Meetings: Participate in monthly virtual cohort meetings, focused on resources, best practices, integration strategy, and problem-solving approaches
  6. Reporting: Complete and submit a comprehensive report detailing the development, implementation, and impact of the project by December 2024

Benefits of Participating

Selected sites will:

  • Receive a $7,500 stipend and a one-time book order from UHF to enhance your literary resources
  • Learn from subject matter experts about evidence-based literacy models and the value of incorporating a literacy strategy into primary care
  • Receive technical assistance and guidance on design and implementation
  • Have access to community resources and opportunities to collaborate with community partners to amplify project impact
  • Engage with other participating sites, sharing feedback, best practices, and challenges

Focus Areas

Subjects include but are not limited to:

  • Early Relational Health
  • Building a Literacy Rich Environment
  • Evidence-based Reading Models
  • Two-Generational Approach
  • Leveraging Community Partners
  • Advocacy and Policy

To learn more about this opportunity, please contact: 

Program Contact
Susan Olivera, MPH