To build provider capacity and enhance the quality of care within health systems across the greater New York region through the continuing partnership between the Greater New York Hospital Association (GNYHA) and United Hospital Fund (UHF). Activities include:

  • Providing quality improvement training for health care professionals through the continuation and enhancement of the Clinical Quality Fellowship Program (CQFP). In its 14th year, this 15-month training program—for physicians, nurses, and physician assistants from both the inpatient and outpatient settings—will support up to 30 clinicians in obtaining the skills necessary to champion quality improvement efforts in their facilities. The program, using a hybrid model that blends in-person and virtual events, will include two 2-day retreats for fellows presented by expert faculty, monthly webinars, dinner meetings, and a culminating event. The capstone project requirement will be completed with the guidance of an assigned faculty member.
  • Improving access to specialty care by continuing its program to improve communication and coordination at the primary care/specialty care interface by addressing gaps in how primary care residency programs conduct education around specialty referrals, eConsults, and new methods of engaging specialists through digital forms of communication. GNYHA will work with the Association of American Medical Colleges Project CORE (Coordinating Optimal Referral Experiences) in developing a curriculum guide and other educational materials for residency programs. GNYHA will engage a residency program from an institution outside New York that has implemented a similar curriculum to provide strategies to GNYHA member hospitals.
Dec. 9, 2022
Number of Grantees
Focus Area
Quality and Efficiency