The related press release can be found here.

While New York’s overall uninsured rate is hovering at just over five percent, many of the uninsured in western and central New York are likely eligible for public coverage or financial assistance based on their level of income.

Reaching the Five Percent, supported by the Health Foundation for Western and Central New York and prepared by UHF, examines the characteristics of the “eligible but uninsured” particular to these regions, as well as the barriers to obtaining coverage. Possible solutions lie in broader outreach, improved messaging, and deeper subsidies for middle-income New Yorkers.

In the report, a census data analysis maps the uninsured rate by age and income in 16 western and central New York counties. Paired with this analysis is a section of real-life stories from residents of western and central New York who lack health coverage or who recently gained it. The stories in this report came from discussion groups organized by UHF and local health care organizations in November 2018.