Presentations from "Medicaid in New York: Transforming the Delivery System"

The presentations below were featured components of the United Hospital Fund conference “Medicaid in New York: Transforming the Delivery System,” held July 16, 2015.

The keynote address by Jason Helgerson, Medicaid director and deputy commissioner in the Office of Health Insurance Programs of the New York State Department of Health, focused on the State's efforts in recent years and the pursuit of value-based payment strategies to promote and sustain delivery system reforms.

See his presentation, “MRT Update-Progress to Date, DSRIP, and the Road to Value-Based Payment” (pdf, 454KB).

As part of the panel “Behavioral Health in Medicaid: DSRIP and Beyond,” Henry Chung, MD, vice president and chief medical officer of Montefiore Care Management, discussed the rationale for integrating behavioral health and physical health services, focusing on the opportunities and challenges associated with DSRIP.

See his presentation, “Behavioral Health Integration and Medicaid: Has the Tipping Point Arrived?” (pdf, 158KB)

Also part of the panel “Behavioral Health in Medicaid: DSRIP and Beyond,” David Woodlock, president and chief executive officer of ICL, discussed changes to the pathways of care that were needed at ICL to integrate behavioral and physical health services across ICL programs, as well as metrics documenting improvements one year in.

See his presentation (pdf, 478KB).

As part of the panel “Transforming the Workforce for a New Delivery System,” Jean Moore, director of the Center for Health Workforce Studies of the University at Albany, SUNY, discussed changes to training and regulation needed to prepare the health workforce for new models of care delivery.

See her presentation, “Transforming the Workforce for a New Delivery System: What Are the Issues?” (pdf, 350KB).

Also part of the panel “Transforming the Workforce for a New Delivery System,” Greg DeWitt, director of data analytics and workforce initiatives at the Iroquois Healthcare Association, outlined workforce “musts” as part of DSRIP, including a range of documentation requirements.

See his presentation, “DSRIP Workforce: A Need/Should/Nice Perspective” (pdf, 1.629MB).

A third part of the panel “Transforming the Workforce for a New Delivery System,” Sandi Vito, director of the 1199SEIU League Training and Upgrading Fund, presented on the range of core competencies needed for tomorrow's workforce, which includes a number of emerging jobs with similar job titles but often different education and training requirements.

See her presentation, “1199SEIU Training and Employment Funds” (pdf, 1.582MB).