Listening to patients’ perspectives should be an essential part of the health care encounter. But in many instances the patient’s point of view on treatment, goals, or results is not taken fully into account. 

This situation is starting to change with the development of survey instruments that elicit patient-reported outcomes, or PROs, and United Hospital Fund’s Patient-Reported Outcomes in Primary Care-New York (PROPC-NY) initiative is exploring the feasibility of integrating PROs into primary care. Supported by a $300,000 grant from The Engelberg Foundation and close to $150,000 grants from UHF, the project brought together three organizations—the Institute for Family Health, Montefiore Health System, and Northwell Health—to participate in an 18-month learning collaborative that tested the value and feasibility of implementing PROs in routine care.

Much of what they learned has been distilled into a new collection of resources released by UHF. To the right are links to download the following tools:

  • An implementation guide for primary care practices on how to identify and incorporate patients’ needs and goals.
  • An overview of implications for policy and practice called “What’s the Upshot?”
  • A field report from Montefiore Health System with detailed findings.
  • A field report from the Institute for Family Health with detailed findings.
  • A field report from Northwell Health System with detailed findings.

You can also view a video featuring clinicians who participated in the program.