In February, Mother Cabrini Health Foundation announced $115 million in year-end 2020 grants for 2021 programs. United Hospital Fund was honored to receive two awards to continue its innovative program work for young children and older adults.
UHF’s Pediatrics for an Equitable Developmental Start Learning Network (PEDS Network) received a $500,000 grant award to support a second year of its work to reduce inequities in childhood by increasing the number of young children receiving primary care-based interventions that promote healthy development, address unmet social and developmental needs, and strengthen families.
The Skilled Nursing Facility Learning Collaborative is also embarking on its second year with $500,000 in support from Mother Cabrini Health Foundation. This initiative is engaging a group of eight New York skilled nursing facilities in a learning collaborative to improve transition planning so that it better aligns with the needs and priorities of older, vulnerable patients and their family caregivers.
In the fall of 2020, UHF received significant support from The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust and the Altman Foundation to develop a Medicaid medical respite program for New York State. The newly funded initiative focuses on developing a program to provide care to homeless patients who are too sick to be on the streets or in a traditional shelter but not sick enough to warrant inpatient hospitalization. UHF’s Medicaid Institute is partnering with Manatt Health Strategies to develop the contours for New York Medicaid coverage and reimbursement for medical respite services.