Young Invincibles

The federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program provides temporary relief from deportation to undocumented immigrants who arrived in the U.S. before the age of 16, are under 31, and are currently pursuing their education. In New York City, an estimated 87,000 young immigrants are eligible for the program, and 37,000 currently have deferred action status. New York State elected to make public health coverage available to young adults with deferred action status who are not eligible for federally subsidized health coverage. The majority of young undocumented immigrants, however, remain uninsured. Young Invincibles, a national organization focused on the health care and employment needs and civic activation of young adults, will partner with two New York City-based immigrant advocacy organizations to conduct focus groups and interviews to better understand why young adults with deferred action status have not enrolled in public health coverage—and to learn more about whether and how undocumented young people who are ineligible for public health coverage receive health care services. Products from this project will include a policy paper on young undocumented immigrants' access to health care services in New York, as well as toolkits and infographics that provide clear information to undocumented youth on how to obtain health coverage and care.

Oct. 22, 2014