Greater New York Hospital Association Five

Since 2005, when the United Hospital Fund and the Greater New York Hospital Association formed a partnership to reduce central line-associated bloodstream infections in intensive care units, the organizations have undertaken a growing range of initiatives to improve the quality of care provided in hospitals in the New York metropolitan region. This grant will build upon their work to date, through the following activities:

Design and implementation of a hospital/nursing home collaborative to reduce avoidable transfers from nursing homes to hospitals. Participating hospitals will partner with one to three nursing homes, and together they will review and streamline current information flows, conduct site visits to gain better understanding of each other, review hospitalizations of nursing home residents, and measure and track improvements stemming from the implementation of new procedures.
Training of additional physician and nurse “champions” to lead quality improvement and patient safety efforts at hospitals by completing the fifth class and initiating the sixth of the Clinical Quality Fellowship Program.
Helping hospitals meet aggressive guidelines to adhere to new state sepsis protocols through continuing the work of the STOP Sepsis Collaborative—which, since its launch three years ago in emergency departments, has successfully reduced sepsis mortality and expanded throughout participating hospitals.
Addressing critical issues of advance care planning and care transitions across settings, through an ongoing palliative care collaborative.

Oct. 28, 2013