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Partnerships for Early Childhood Development: Year 2 Update

Author: Suzanne C. Brundage 

The related press release can be downloaded here

There is currently wide recognition that health outcomes can be largely driven by factors outside of health care. Among young children and their families, unmet social needs can lead to lifelong consequences for health and well-being. To address this issue, United Hospital Fund launched the Partnerships for Early Childhood Development (PECD) initiative in 2017. PECD is a grant program and learning collaborative that helps child-serving primary care practices screen for and address unmet social needs through strong clinical-community partnerships.

In July 2018, UHF published an in-depth report summarizing the experiences from the first year of PECD, Clinical-Community Partnerships for Better Health: Observations from New York City’s Partnerships for Early Childhood Development Initiative. UHF recently completed the second year of this initiative, and this report is a brief update summarizing what was learned.