Health Insurance Coverage in New York, 2009

Authors: Juliana Macri, Emily Lawton, Christine Coyer, Victoria Lynch, Genevieve M. Kenney, Peter Newell, Andrew Detty 

This wide-ranging analysis of New York’s health insurance coverage landscape in 2008-2009 presents data in two parts: a “snapshot” highlighting coverage patterns; and a “chartbook” of detailed tables.

The snapshot begins with a focus on the distribution of health insurance coverage and uninsurance in New York in 2009, with estimates based on region, age, income, and work status. Second, we provide an estimate of New York’s eligible-but-uninsured population. Third, we discuss trends in coverage for 2008-2009, with comparisons to the U.S., and between New York City and the rest of New York State. Finally, we provide extensive regional analyses of differences in the distribution of coverage between New York City and the rest of the state, and among 14 regions of the state and 55 New York City neighborhoods.

Taken together, these data paint a picture of a state in which policymakers, despite severe fiscal constraints, remain committed to public insurance programs, cushioning the loss of employer-sponsored coverage. At the same time, 2.2 million New Yorkers lack coverage, and more than one-third of these uninsured are eligible for public programs. As the nation and New York continue to grapple with difficult budget deficits, enrolling the eligible, sustaining the safety net, and simultaneously planning for the rollout of coverage provisions in the ACA constitute a formidable challenge. This report contains a wealth of data that can help guide that effort.

Sept. 30, 2011
Health Insurance Coverage in New York, 2009 
Focus Area
Coverage and Access
Health Insurance Project