To be eligible for New York's Medicaid program, a person's household income must fall beneath a designated threshold relative to the federal poverty level (FPL), and there are no further asset limits for children or non-elderly, non-disabled adults.1Most adults aged 65 and older and persons with disabilities must meet asset limits, though there are exceptions.

Non-disabled adults and non-disabled children make up the largest share of enrollment, representing nearly four out of five Medicaid enrollees. These groups include childless adults with incomes between 100% and 138% of FPL, who became newly eligible under New York's ACA Medicaid expansion in January 2014, as well as pregnant women and certain parents and lower-income childless adults who were eligible prior to the ACA. 

This page includes two graphs:

Medicaid Enrollment by Eligibility Group Over Time

Percentage of Enrollment by Eligibility Group by Month

Medicaid Enrollment by Eligibility Group Over Time

The graph below shows total Medicaid enrollment broken down by eligibility category.2

Monthly New York Medicaid Enrollment by Age and Eligibility Group, January 2011-Present

Percentage of Enrollment by Eligibility Group by Month

This graph shows total Medicaid enrollment broken down by eligibility category within a single month.3 The most recent month of available data is displayed. The table below the graph shows the same information in numerals.

New York Medicaid Enrollment by Eligibility Group, Recent Month

Footnotes and Sources


Last updated 5/23/23