Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Immigrant Health and Cancer Disparities Service

Some consumers who gained health insurance coverage through the Affordable Care Act and the New York State of Health marketplace—particularly those with limited English proficiency and/or low health literacy—are confused about how to access their health benefits. Some do not know how to use an insurance card, do not realize they need to select a primary care provider and make an appointment to receive care, and do not understand how the claims process works. This project will develop and test a consumer education intervention to increase the use of primary care. The educational materials will be available in English, Spanish, Bengali, Chinese, Arabic, and French, and they will be tested with three separate groups of consumers using different methods and presenting the information at different points in time. Outcomes will be compared across the three cohorts to assess which intervention is most effective in connecting subjects to care—and the findings will be broadly disseminated.

Feb. 19, 2015